
The ABCs of CBT

Tool Overview

Each of us can control and are responsible for our own thoughts and behaviours. The ABC Model is a good way of understanding how we can help change our feelings and behaviour by challenging our thinking. It helps us uncover beliefs that are not helping us /contributing to the behaviour we are trying to change.

Your beliefs are made up of your self talk and the way you see life through your own eyes. So in terms of the things that ‘trigger’ you to ‘use’ you are probably having a talk about it in your own mind. You may not even know this is happening.

In the ABC tool, the A is the activating event or trigger is a situation or event that will normally set off an urge to use or engage in the behaviour you’re trying to change.

The ABC Tool enables us to look at the thoughts underlying our behaviours. Once we know what they are we can change them and therefore change our behaviour.

The process is simple. The key is to challenge our thinking. Is what we believe really true? Do I HAVE to do that, will they REALLY think that of me if I don’t do that etc…

Then we need to practice the new thoughts and keep choosing a different action as a result.

How To Use This Tool

Work through the ABC worksheet to identify the thoughts that trigger the behaviour you want to change and then brainstorm some new thoughts you could try out.

Example Scenarios

Pg 40-44 of Handbook.
PDF 05/13/2024

The ABCs of CBT