Youth Recovery Toolkit | Substance & Alcohol Abuse Help for Youth

Explore the SMART Recovery 4-Point toolkit to find worksheets with handy guides on how to use them.

The Youth Recovery Toolkit is a comprehensive resource tailored to support young people on their journey to recovery from addiction and mental health challenges. Designed with the unique needs of youth in mind, this toolkit provides a range of practical tools and strategies to help individuals develop healthy coping mechanisms, build resilience, and achieve lasting recovery.

  • Youth

Good Stuff / Not So Good Stuff (GS/NSGS)

It is very common to feel ambivalent about making a change. Exploring both sides (good things and not so good things) of our behaviour can help us flesh out the costs as well as the benefits. This tool can help us find the motivation we need in order to change.

  • Youth

Helpful & Unhelpful Beliefs about Urges

Challenging our thoughts around Urges can uncover unhelpful beliefs that are getting in the way of making changes. This tool can help us identify unhelpful thought patterns and start to replace them with more helpful ones.

  • Youth

Lifestyle Balance Exercise

This tool can be used for any goals you want to achieve. It helps you to categorise your goals into priorities so you can choose what to work on first.

  • Youth

Lifestyle Record – Environment / socialising

This tool is useful for reflecting on our environment and where we spend our time to decide if they are helping - or hindering - the behavioural changes we are seeking to make. It is a powerful tool to help you think about and maintain an environment that is going to support the changes you want to make.

  • Youth

Lifestyle Record – Family / relationships / friends

This tool is useful for identifying people in our lives who help - and hinder - the behavioural changes we are seeking to make. It is a powerful tool to help you think about and maintain an environment that is going to support the changes you want to make.

  • Youth

Priority Calendar

The calendar and the priority list is a guideline. It is a planning tool to help you maintain focus and stay on track. It helps you to keep focused each day and at the end of the week you can evaluate how well you did.

  • Youth


It’s important to make sure goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.

  • Youth

Stages of Change Exercises

The Stages of Change Exercises comprise a series of questions to help you explore the behaviour you would like to change. It is linked to the stages of change model and is designed to be filled out once you have identified which stage of change you are currently at.

  • Youth

The ABCs of CBT

Each of us can control and are responsible for our own thoughts and behaviours. The ABC Model is a good way of understanding how we can help change our feelings and behaviour by challenging our thinking.

  • Youth

Timeline of Use

Reflecting on the timeline of the behaviour you want to change can give you valuable insights.

  • Youth

Use / Urge Log

An awareness and understanding of urges is crucial to recovery. One way to understand urges is by recording them. After a few entries, we may notice patterns and similarities about our urges. The log then becomes a road map that will help us to anticipate situations and emotions that may trigger urges and plan ways to avoid recognized triggers or distract ourselves from the urge until it passes.

  • youth

What’s Important?

We may not always know what we want as a goal. It can be helpful to identify what our values are, or the things that are most important to us.

Key Features of the Youth Recovery Toolkit:

  1. Worksheets and Exercises: The Youth Recovery Toolkit includes a variety of worksheets and exercises that focus on different aspects of recovery. These tools are designed to help young people identify triggers, manage cravings, and develop positive habits. Each worksheet is accompanied by clear instructions to ensure effective use.
  2. Guides and Resources: Alongside the worksheets, the toolkit offers comprehensive guides that explain the purpose of each tool and how to incorporate them into daily life. These guides provide valuable insights into managing stress, setting goals, and building a support network.
  3. Personalised Support: Understanding that recovery is a personal journey, the toolkit is flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. This personalised approach ensures that young people receive the support that is most relevant to their situation.
  4. Empowerment and Self-Reliance: The Youth Recovery Toolkit is designed to empower young people, giving them the confidence and skills needed to take control of their recovery. By using these tools, individuals can make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and build a sustainable path to sobriety.

Benefits of Using the Youth Recovery Toolkit:

  • Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of personal behaviours and thought patterns through structured exercises and reflections.
  • Practical Strategies: Learn effective strategies for managing cravings, avoiding relapse, and coping with stress.
  • Goal Setting: Set and achieve realistic goals that align with personal recovery objectives.
  • Ongoing Support: Access continuous support through a well-structured framework that can be revisited as needed.

The Youth Recovery Toolkit is an invaluable resource for young people committed to overcoming addiction and improving their mental health. By providing practical tools and comprehensive guides, this toolkit equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve and maintain recovery.

Review the Youth Recovery Toolkit today to take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Whether you are just beginning your recovery journey or looking for advanced strategies to stay on track, the Youth Recovery Toolkit has something to offer everyone.