SMART Recovery
Support Manuals
Our support manuals provide practical advice, tools and guidance for people seeking support for addiction or problem behaviours.

SMART Recovery Australia Participant Manual
$ 49.99 AUD
For people who are seeking support for addiction or problematic behaviours.
Learn how to build & maintain motivation, cope with urges, problem solve and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
For all forms of addiction including alchol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc.
Includes exercises and worksheets based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

SMART Family & Friends Manual
$49.99 AUD
For people who are looking to support a friend or family member.
Improve communication and manage emotional upsets.
Set healthy boundaries and develop support systems.
Regain control and find your lifestyle balance.

Yarn SMART Participant Manual
$ 49.99 AUD
Yarn our Way, Heal Your Way: Yarn SMART. A practical guide to SMART Recovery for Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander participants.
Learn how to build & maintain motivation, cope with urges, problem solve and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
For all forms of addiction including alchol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc.
Includes exercises and worksheets based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

Youth Participant Handbook
$49.99 AUD
This handbook has been written to help teens and young people to regain control of their behaviors and life.
Improve communication and manage emotional upsets.
Set healthy boundaries and develop support systems.
Regain control and find your lifestyle balance.