Yarn participant
tools and worksheets

Explore the SMART Recovery Yarn toolkit to find worksheets with handy guides on how to use them.

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The weekly planner

Life may have become chaotic while you were engaging in your addictive behaviors. Routine has usually gone by the wayside. The weekly planner can help you identify things that you want to make more habitual and help you establish structure in your day-to-day life.

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What if ? thinking about consequences for our actions

Use this Tool anytime you feel uncertain. It is common to feel unsure or uncertain about making a change as change can be scary. It takes dedication and commitment. Think back to times when you’ve made positive changes previously. What's worked? Did you find it easy? What helped you stay motivated?

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Healing map worksheet

Having a Healing map is a very effective way to increase confidence. The Healing map worksheet is a good tool to help you record what changes you want to make and how you’ll make these changes on your healing recovery journey.

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Healing Self

People struggling with behaviors of concern often feel shame, self - blame and guilt. They may judge themselves harshly and punish themselves for their behavior. This often happens when people stop their behavior and start thinking back.

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My vision worksheet

This is an opportunity for you to focus on your goals. What do you want your life to look like?

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The Stages of Change

Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Termination.

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Deadly goals

Having deadly goals to work towards are important. Setting goals and even trying to visualise your success are great tools that may help you bring your goals to life. Sometimes going on this journey is a lonely one. You may feel isolated and alone. Know that there are many others who are out there going through hard times too. Think about someone you know who made some deadly changes and achieved what you’re hoping to achieve. Think to yourself, if they can do it so can I. Once you’ve set your goals, you may want to try and visualise yourself successfully achieving them. This visualisation technique can inspire and motivate you to stay strong when times get tough.

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Staying on My Track worksheet

Once you’ve found the motivation to make a change and stay on track, you usually need strategies to cope with urges and cravings.

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Areas of importance

Which areas of life are important to you? Which areas need greater attention? What do you wish you had more time for?

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Problem solving - Yarn Tool

Problem solving is a skill that can be used any time a person is unsure about how to handle a situation.

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Areas for goal setting

Setting smart goals When setting goals, make sure they are SMART! SMART ( in this instance) stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.

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Planning an enjoyable life worksheet

Group discussion tool to focus on what you enjoy doing in life and any changes you want to make.