Webinar: The Research Evidence for SMART Recovery


Every so often, SMART Recovery Australia runs a webinar aimed at our facilitators and wider community, to help broaden our overall understanding of the program, and provide some expert in-depth knowledge about more specific areas that we don’t address over the course of normal facilitator training.

Here, Associate Professor​. Peter Kelly and Dr. Alison Beck​ explore the research evidence for working with SMART Recovery, ​in conversation with ​SMART Recovery Australia​’s National ​Program Manager​,​ Dr. Angela Argen​t.

Each of our SMART webinars is intended to support ​the great work of our dedicated team of SMART Recovery ​facilitators throughout Australia. ​Our webinars are live and interactive​. While you’ve very welcome to simply tune in​ and listen​, we​’d​ ​love to hear ​your ​questions and comments​. Please use the text chat function to engage with us.

About ​Associate Professor. Peter Kelly: Peter Kelly is an Associate Professor based at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has held registration as a Psychologist since 2002 and is a Member of the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists. Dr Kelly’s research is focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based approaches within mental health and substance abuse treatment settings. 

About Dr. Alison Beck: Alison Beck is a researcher and practicing Clinical Psychologist. She has been working within multi-disciplinary research and clinical teams to deliver and evaluate psychological interventions for addictive behaviours and/ or mental health concerns since 2005. In her current role as trial co-ordinator at the University of Wollongong she is working with SMART Recovery and a team of expert clinicians and researchers to develop a tool that will help SMART Recovery group members track their progress over time.

About Dr. Angela Argent: Dr Angela Argent (PhD) is National Program Manager at SMART Recovery Australia. She has worked within mental health and AoD and across NGO, government and university sectors for twenty years. Angela studied psychology and completed a doctorate in humanities.

SMART Recovery | Webinar: Global Research Advisory Committee #1
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SMART Recovery | Webinar: Global Research Advisory Committee #1

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SMART Recovery | Webinar: Global Research Advisory Committee #2
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03 Sep 2015

SMART Research published internationally | SMART Recovery Australia

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