While the majority of the SMART Facilitators in Australia are professionals working within drug and alcohol organisations, we’re always looking for those with lived experience to access our training and become facilitators themselves.
In 2014, SMART Recovery Australia received funding from the Sisters of Charity Foundation for our Peer Facilitator training program.
Thanks to this funding we were able to offer training at no cost to ‘peers’ – people who have reached their recovery goals through SMART Recovery. The program was a success and by late 2015, the funds had been expended and the program was closed. We’re very pleased to advise that the Sisters of Charity Foundation have committed to supporting this program with another grant in 2016.
Here’s what peers who completed facilitator training previously have had to say:
“The training was very comprehensive, well delivered & well paced. Plenty of opportunities to add one’s own input or ask questions. The trainer’s knowledge of SMART principles and meeting procedures helped enormously.”
“The training was very enjoyable, particularly the group exercises. David, the facilitator, was brilliant. The format of asking minimal yet relevant questions and then allowing time for the group to run itself is something that I found very beneficial.”
“SMART Recovery tools involving Motivation and CBT were key to my recovery. I work in a community centre, and would like to use this program with the people I meet at my place of work.”
We’d like to thank the Sisters of Charity Foundation for continuing to support this incredible program.
SMART Recovery Australia is looking for more peers to complete facilitator training and establish their own group meeting or join another meeting as a co-facilitator.
If you’re someone who has overcome addiction though SMART Recovery, and would like to apply for SMART Recovery Facilitator Training at no cost, contact us here.
SMART Recovery Australia Peer Facilitation Policy: Peers must demonstrate their addictive behaviour is under control for minimum of 9 months (endorsed by their facilitator or health practitioner), before undertaking SMART Recovery Facilitator Training.