SMART meetings… from home?

Can we be candid with you?

We know that social contact will be banned any day now.

And we’re a little scared that SMART meetings all over Australia will have to stop running.

So we’re going to make it easier than ever to keep your SMART meeting going online.

We don’t want people seeing this as a second-rate version of a SMART meeting. We were ahead of the curve on online meetings well before this crisis, so SMART Recovery Australia is uniquely well positioned to provide our services through the impending lockdown.

Even the Boston Globe espouses the value of our online recovery provisions, with SRAU RAC member Dr John F. Kelly, professor of psychiatry in addiction medicine at Harvard Medical School, and founder and director of the Recovery Research Institute at Mass. General Hospital, stating that

“maintaining a network “can be a “life saver” for people in recovery, especially at a time when they’re being forced to isolate.

“I think people really realize that and so they’re finding ways now to continue that somehow. The good news is, we’re in an age where we can do that with available technologies.”

We wholeheartedly believe in forward-thinking, evidence-based solutions to problem behaviours, whether those are to do with drinking, drugs, gambling, or anything else at all.

Providing these online meetings is the best way that we can continue to help our participants.

If you run a SMART meeting, you can easily transition to online by completing the form here. We’ll take care of the process and provide the platform necessary for you to do so.

If you’re attending SMART meetings right now, and you want to continue to do so, you can find a meeting at a time that’s convenient for you here.

It’s vital in these trying times that we maintain the powerful sense of community and advocacy that has been fostered across the country through SMART Recovery in the past few years. We are proud of our community and we look forward to emerging from this on the other side with our bonds and connections intact.


Announcement: SMART Recovery Australia Subscriptions | SMART Recovery Australia
17 Dec 2019

Announcement: SMART Recovery Australia Subscriptions | SMART Recovery Australia

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Online Solutions for Addictive Behaviour | SMART Recovery Australia
04 Jun 2019

Online Solutions for Addictive Behaviour | SMART Recovery Australia

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31 Mar 2017

SMART bolsters staff to meet increasing program demand | SMART Recovery Australia

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