COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
Advice for the SMART Recovery Australia Community

Ryan McGlaughlin
SMART Recovery Australia - Executive Director
- Last updated: 16 October, 2020:
The health and wellbeing of our SMART Recovery staff, facilitators and participants is our top priority. SMART Recovery Australia is monitoring advice from local, state and national health authorities to ensure our response reflects the most up-to-date information.
Advice for Participants
(See advice for Facilitators here)
1. Many Face-to-Face meetings are currently on hold, always call ahead
- Before attending an in person SMART Recovery meeting, please visit our website and call the meeting contact number to ensure the meeting is going ahead.
2. Attend a meeting online!
- We have dozens of online SMART Recovery meetings available. Participants can attend using their computer, tablet, smartphone, or by dialling in on their phone.
Find out more about online meetings here.
3. Grab a copy of the SMART Recovery Participant Manual
- This 70-page self-help book for all forms of addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.) is a great alternative for those who can’t attend face-to-face meetings. Learn more here.
Advice for Facilitators and Partners
1. Please inform us if your meeting is going on hold
- Please keep us updated with the status of your meeting so the national online meeting directory can be updated accordingly and we avoid people turning up to any meetings that aren’t running.
Call: 02 9373 5100 or email:
2. Would you like to continue your meeting online?
- We are making our online meeting video conference platform available to facilitators and partner organisations who wish to continue their meeting online.
- For assistance and training setting up your SMART Recovery meeting online, please complete this form and we will get your online meeting started within five business days
For more information, contact:
Dan Raffell
National Program Manager (Online lead)
Michael Bellamy
Head of Digital
Should you have your own means of hosting online meetings, please advise and we will promote this in place of your face-to-face meeting listing.
3. Face-to-face Facilitator Training events are available on a case by case basis
We are monitoring this situation daily in accordance with advice from national and state health authorities, and will advise if and when there are any changes.
If you wish to book or attend face-to-face facilitator training (limited availability), please contact Liam Whelan to discuss suitability. Alternatively, Facilitator Training is now available 100% online.
4. Facilitator Training is available online
Our face-to-face Facilitator Training course is emulated online via a 6hrs interactive e-learning package, including video demonstrations, tutorials and live video conference workshops. Trainees can graduate to start a SMART Recovery meeting face-to-face or online.
Above all, the safety of SMART Recovery staff, facilitators and participants is paramount. Please keep us updated with the status of your meetings and we will communicate again with you this week with our updated response regarding COVID-19.
Take care and be safe,
Ryan McGlaughlin
Executive Director
SMART Recovery Australia