Women’s Health Week 2021

Women's Health Week 2021

Women's Health Week 2021

Emily Carstairs
SMART Recovery Australia

It is Women’s Health Week next week. This week, from 6-10 September, is dedicated to encouraging women across Australia to make good health a priority. We often need a nudge or reminder to focus on our own health and wellbeing so, this week (or any week for that matter), take a moment to think about what your body needs – make an appointment to visit your GP for a health check, get active, eat well or just take a break.

In 2021, there are many events and online activities that you can get involved in during Women’s Health Week that will assist you with making healthier choices. Gain access to exclusive articles, interviews, recipes, quizzes, podcasts and tips for each of the daily topics: movement, periods, sexual health, mental health and sleep.

Nine years ago, not-for-profit Jean Hailes for Women’s Health ran the first nation-wide Women’s Health Week. For more information on various health topics in relation to women such as healthy living, violence against women, mental or emotional wellbeing and sexual health, go to https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/

Life has its ups and downs and you never know who might be struggling. Tension and anxiety has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic in particular, with multiple lockdowns, homeschooling, work interruptions, isolation and more, and it is likely to be exponentially affecting most peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. 

Both R U OK? Day and World Suicide Prevention Day fall within Women’s Health Week on the 9th and 10th of September, respectively. R U OK? Day is about helping people stay connected and protected from suicide by encouraging the support of friends, family and colleagues. Remember to stop and check in on the people around you. Don’t wait until they are in crisis as sometimes just a seemingly simple conversation can change a person’s life. Are they really ok? Ask them today. World Suicide Prevention Day has a similar ethos but on a global scale with the aim of raising awareness and educating people about the prevalence of suicide within our communities and identifying where and how we can work together collaboratively towards a world without suicide. 

So for Women’s Health Week 2021, remember … Good health starts with you.

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