SMART Recovery Australia
International Remembrance Day

Today is International Remembrance Day for those lost to addiction. It is a day to reflect and remember those who have died as a direct result of drug use, bad policy and inadequate support services. The theme for this year is Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crisis.
Today is an opportunity to remember loved ones without stigma and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind. At SMART Recovery, we acknowledge the impact each day with our Family & Friends meetings which support 1000s of people every week to assist anyone who is affected by the addictive behaviors of someone close to them.
The program helps participants develop more effective coping skills. It provides a space to come together and say you matter. It’s a strength-based mutual aid program that does not label loved ones. Our program reminds participants of the Four C’s: You didn’t Cause it, you can’t Cure it and you can’t Control it but you can Cope with it.
As an organisation, SMART Recovery Australia will hold a sharing circle to acknowledge those who have been lost and those family members currently supporting a loved one with a behaviour of concern.
If your organisation would like to offer this evidence-based program, both in-person and online training options are available here.
To find a Family & Friends meeting head here.