How to setup an online SMART Recovery meeting

SMART Recovery Australia

How to transition your in-person SMART Recovery meeting to an online meeting


To avoid your SMART Recovery meeting going on hold during this uncertain period, we are providing full assistance and resources to help you to transition your face-to-face meetings into online meetings.

SMART Recovery Australia is making our online meeting video conference platform available to all facilitators and partner organisations, as well as providing training and ongoing support to facilitators who are new to running online SMART meetings.

To get you started, please complete the below form. Once we have this information, we will provide you with logins to your private online meeting account.

Note: To run an online meeting, the facilitator/s require access to basic video conference capabilities (a computer with working webcam, mic/audio and decent internet speed).



"I have been attending SMART Recovery meetings for the past 15 months as part of my recovery from an ice addiction. The CBT based focus of SMART has helped me remain abstinent by assisting me to identify strategies that I can use to combat cravings and triggers, and to develop plans to deal with troubling situations as they arise.:
"Since attending SMART Recovery meetings I have learnt a range of tools to assist me in managing my drinking. I have been able to explore the psychology surrounding my drinking habits, analyse when I am susceptible to binge drinking, evaluate the consequences of such actions and set clear, definable goals which I actively work towards each week."

Frequently asked questions

No trouble at all, our dedicated team with get you setup and trained, as well as provide continued support after you get started. 
This is up to the facilitator and the participants. Meetings are generally conducted using a combination video (usually optional), voice and the text chat box feature. 
Yes, our system uses a customised version of the robust Zoom video conference platform. It has been configured to protect participant and facilitator privacy at all times.  

If it’s an ‘Open’ meeting, we will make available to the public via our online meeting page. If it’s a ‘closed’ or private meeting, we will provide you with a private registration link you can send directly to your clients. 

The online meetings are designed to emulate the face-to-face meetings as much as possible. The meetings runs for 90minutes and there are no breaks. It is a mutual-aid interactive group where people are all there to help themselves and help each other. People report back on how their last week has been, discuss the agenda item they have put forward and what their plans are for the coming week. The SMART Recovery tools are taught and used during the meeting.
There are currently no costs for facilitators, partners or partners.
We will provide access to the platform, a Zoom licence, as well as ongoing training and support at no cost.

This is applicable until June 22, 2020, at which point we will review the arrangement. 

We can have your online active within two business days.


Daniel Raffell

National Program Manager (Online & Peer lead)

Michael Bellamy

Head of Digital, BRAND & MARKETING

For further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Dan Raffell
National Program Manager (Online lead)
0410 877 857

Michael Bellamy
Head of Digital
0421 977 652

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