SMART Recovery Australia
Webinar: Giving birth to change: The personal journey of a FASD mother

Date: January 30th 11am AEDT (1 hour)
Angelene Bruce is a lived experience expert for FARE and NOFASD Australia. She is also a member of the Victorian FASD Special Interest Group and a fierce advocate for FASD awareness and prevention.
Ange has lived experience of alcohol and poker machine addiction. She is also the biological mother to a child with diagnosed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure during pregnancy. Ange is passionate about FASD awareness and ending the stigma faced by all women who have consumed any alcohol at any stage during their pregnancies with an emphasis on physically dependent women under a strict no blame no shame policy.
Ange has been featured on Channel 10’s The Project, been a guest on multiple podcasts, participated media print articles and is a mentor / coach to parents and caregivers of children with FASD all over the world.
You can watch the webinar recording below.