Although alcohol remains by far the most widely consumed substance among those with addictive behaviour issues, we are seeing a rise in the addictive usage of prescription medication. Although Australia’s opioid crisis has yet to reach the heights of the epidemic in the United States, Australians, particularly those in regional communities, are using synthetic opiates in increasing numbers. Some, such as fentanyl, can be incredibly potent, with certain varieties fifty to one hundred times stronger than morphine. In this video from Scriptwise, we hear from people who have lived with addictions to prescription medication, with all its associated risks, from overdose to nodding off on the job. SMART Recovery Australia firmly believes in harm minimisation, and in addressing opioid abuse as a health issue. Providing proactive programs and resources for people at risk of prescription medication addiction, and understanding, safe spaces for those suffering from addiction to heal, is vital to keeping Australians safe and healthy, and avoiding an epidemic on the scale we’re currently seeing in the United States.
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