SMART Recovery Blog | Addiction Support & Recovery Insights

Sydney Recovery Walk 2015 | Pictures | SMART Recovery Australia

Written by smart recovery | Sep 30, 2015

SMART Recovery Australia staff took part in this year’s Sydney Recovery Walk, an all-ages free event helping end the stigma of addiction and celebrating all forms of recovery. The September 13 event also saw Premier Mike Baird take part and speak.

The Sydney Recovery Walk aims to celebrate the lives of people in recovery from addiction and recognise the recovery support services across Australia. It encourages people in recovery to come together and spread the message of hope, show that treatment works, and that recovery from addiction is a lived reality in many people’s lives. The walk also remembers and honours the lives lost to addiction.

Starting at Sydney’s Custom’s House, the walk passes Circular Quay and culminates at NSW Parliament House for speeches.

Head to their Facebook event page to find out about next year’s event, which will see SMART Recovery Australia National Program Coordinator Josette Freeman participate as a key speaker.